Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Bulana Tetiana
Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor.

Scientific rank: Associate Professor.

Academic degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences.

E-mail: Bulana.T.M@mnu.one

Cabinet: 1/79

Educational work

Associate Professor Bulana T.M. currently teaches the disciplines "Information Systems Modeling", "Fundamentals of Software Engineering", "Software Project Management Methodologies", "Databases and Knowledge Bases", "Project Workshop", "Software Economics", "Software Project Management".  Its students are active participants and repeated winners of All-Ukrainian competitions of student research papers, final stages of programming competitions and innovation tournaments.

Advanced training

Dissertation defense on the topic: "Information technologies for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of diagnostics of technical and cardiac systems". Diploma series DK №049172, 23.10.2018.

●      Cisco Networking Academy. Certificate of participation in "IPD Week". Date of issue: 26.03.2020. Number of credits (hours): 0.17 credits (5 hours). Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 7 of 15.02.2021.

●      Certificate 04-35/2019 issued for successful completion of the "School of Young Leader" on the topic "Grantwriting and Fundraising", Department of Education and Science of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration, Council of Young Scientists of Dnipropetrovsk region, 12.10-14.10.2019, 30 hours (1 credit). Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

●      Certificate № 1328, Winter School of Young Scientist 2.0 of the Council of Young Scientists at the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, 07-13.02.2022, 40 hours (1.3 credits). Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

●      Winner's certificate (Homilko I.V., team consisting of Bulan T.M. and authors of the project 60 MONAIR) in the InnoDnipro competition (competition of projects and startups) with a cash prize, Dnipro, Dnipro City Council, Department of Innovative Development, 2018, 15 hours (0.5 credits). Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

●      Certificate № 01-49/2021, "Food Intensive", Dnipro, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 12-16.06.2021, 30 hours (1 credit). Approved by the Academic Council of the FPM of DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

●      Certificate No. 01-35/2021, participation in the conference "EcoAirSolutions", Dnipro, Oles Honchar Dnipro National University, 09-10.12.2021, 12 hours (0.5 credits). Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

●      Certificate of participation "Study Course: Generation 3D", Meet and Code, 8-19 October 2018, 60 hours (2 credits) www.meet-and-code.org. Approved by the Academic Council of FPM DNU, Minutes No. 12 of 30.05.2022.

Scientific activity

The main directions of scientific activity in the field of information technology, mathematical and computer modeling of processes and systems for monitoring and evaluating the effectiveness of diagnostics of technical and cardiac systems. Author and co-author of more than 50 scientific and methodological publications.

During his work at NMU has 41 publication, 33 of them scientific, including 14 scientific publications, a certificate of registration of copyright in a work, and 8 methodological papers used in the learning process.

ORCID: 0000-0001-6346-3326

Scopus Author ID: 55226002300

Google Scholar: Tetiana Bulana

Other activity

Associate Professor Bulana T.M. maintains close ties with enterprises engaged in the implementation of modern information technologies, which allows to adapt the relevant curricula for students to the needs of leading IT companies. Member of the working group on the preparation of amendments to the legislation governing innovation (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science No. 750 of 01.07.2021)

●      Participation in the research project "Air quality assessment using the device: MonAIR 0.2", EOS DATA ANALYTICS LLC, 13-17.12.2018 (reference No. 01/2124 of 24.12.2020)

●      Participation in the educational project "3D modeling course for high school students: "Generation 3D"", NGO "Association NOOSPHERE", 08-22.10.2018 (certificate № 81089 from 19.07.2019)

●      Creation of a mobile application on the technology of augmented reality "GagarinPark" within the framework of the project "Demi for GagarinPark" and its further updating (individual entrepreneur Bulana T.M.), NGO "Association NOOSPHERE", info. reference No. 2052 dated 10.08.2020.

●      Member of the Competition Commission of the regional competition "Student of the Year of Dnipropetrovsk region" in the nominations, Department of Education and Science of the Regional State Administration, Dnipro (Telephone № 416 of 29.10.2021).

●      Work as a member of the organizing committee of the XII Dnipropetrovsk Regional Historical and Local Lore Conference "History of the Dnipro Borderland", November 9-12, 2021

●      Management of students who became USF prize-winners with a monetary reward, 2021 Dergach A.E., Kvirikadze R.V.

●      Certificate of participation in the Sustainable Development Day in Dnipro, UNDP Ukraine, United Nations Development Programme in Ukraine, 19.03.2019, 6 hours (0.25 credit)

●      Certificate of participation "PR and Communication Course", NOOSPHERE Technology Knowledge Humanity, 13.03-06.04.2019, 15 hours (0.5 credits)

●      Diploma of the participant of the webinar "Environmental monitoring of the environment based on satellite data" within the framework of the European Coding Week Meet and Code, Kyiv, 15.10.2019, 6 hours (0.25 credits)

●      Certificate "Advanced Training Response to Conflict and Security Challenges in Eastern Ukraine at Mechnikov Hospital in Dnipro", Ukraine, 11-15.11.2019, 60 hours (2 credits)

●      Participation in the event "NASA SPACE APPS CHALLENGE DNIPRO" with the support of NOOSPHERE Technology Knowledge Humanity, NASA International Space Apps Challenge: 19-20.10.2019, 6 hours (0.25 credits); 03-04.10.2020, 6 hours (0.25 credits); 02-03.10.2021, 6 hours (0.25 credits).

●      Participation in the event "ACTINSPACE INTERNATIONAL SPACE HACKATHON" with the support of NOOSPHERE Technology Knowledge Humanity, ActinSpace: 13-14.11.2020, 6 hours (0.25 credits)

●      Participation in the organization of the TechnoArtHackathon (Igor Sikorsky Kyiv Polytechnic Institute) (diploma of a jury member), 05-05.06.2021, Kyiv, 15 hours (0.5 credits)

●      Certificate of participation in the Regional Scientific and Practical Eco-Forum "Ecological innovative solutions for local communities - scientific and practical aspects of the green economy 2021", Dnipro, Department of Environmental Policy, 12.11.2021, 6 hours (0.25 credits)

●      Diploma of the participant of the III Congress "Power-Business-Youth. Space technologies to business", Dnipro, 16.12.2021, 6 hours (0.25 credits)


Bulana T.M. from 1996 - 2000 studied at the Dnipropetrovs'k State University, specialty - applied mathematics (bachelor). From 2000 - 2001 she studied at the Dnipropetrovsk National University, specializing in Applied Mathematics (Master's degree). In 2001 she entered the postgraduate course of the Dnipro National University, Faculty of Applied Mathematics, where she studied for three years. Since 2002, she has been teaching as an assistant at the Department of Mathematical Support of Computers, DNU. In 2018 she defended her dissertation in the specialty 05.13.06 "Information Technology" and began working as an associate professor of the Department of Mathematical Support of Computers. Since 2022 - Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering, Dnipro University of Technology.

Articles in journals and collections of scientific works included in scientometric databases (Scopus, Web of Science):

●      Bulana T.M. Evaluations of diagnostic efficiency of the state of technical systems System Technologies. - 2017. - Vol. 6, N 113, - P. 12 - 17.

●      Andrii Shelestov, Tetiana Bulana, Andrii Kolotii, Mykola Lavreniu, Vladimir Vasiliev, Bulana Tetiana Air Quality Monitoring in Urban Areas using in-situ and Satellite Data within ERA-PLANET PROJECT, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS 2018), 22-27 July, Valencia, Spain 1668-1671 pp
(Scopus, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/82000)

●      Andrii Shelestov, Tetiana Bulana, Leonid Sumilo, Mykola Lavreniuk, Vladimir Vasiliev, Andrii Kolotii, Kyrylo Medianovskyi, Sergii Skakun Indoor and outdoor air quality monitoring on the basis of intelligent sensors for Smart City, Recent Developments in Data Science and Intelligent Analysis of Information, 2019, pp 134-145
(Scopus, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/5100152904)

●      Andrii Shelestov, Tetiana Bulana, Andrii Kolotii, Tatiana Borisova, Olena Turos, Gennadi Milinevsky, Oleg Fedorov, Leonid Shumilo, Liudmyla Pidgorodetska, Liudmyla Kolos, Arsenii Borysov, Natalia Pozdnyakova, Alexander Chunikhin, Marina Dudarenko, Arina Petrosian, Vassyl Danylevsky, Natalia Miatselskaya, Vasyl Choliy Essential variables for air quality estimation, International Journal of Digital Earth, 2020, Vol. 13, NO 2, 278 - 298
(Scopus, https://www.scopus.com/sourceid/19700187627

●      Antonenko S.V., Molodets B.V., Bulana T.M. Modeling of forecasting the danger of emergencies, System technologies. - 2019. 1, N 120, - P.44-49 (professional edition)

●      Bulana T.M., Molodets B.V. Analysis of existing options for classifying patients with cardiovascular diseases using neural networks, System technologies. - 2020. - no. 5, N 130, - P.71-78 (professional edition)

●      Molodets B.V., Tarasov V.P.,, Baibuz O.G., Bulana T.M. Analysis of existing air monitoring technologies, "System Technologies" Vol. 3. Dnipro 2021. - ISSN 1562-9945. - 67-78 p. (professional edition)

●      Molodets B., Hnatushenko V., Boldyriev D., Bulana T. Information System of Air Quality Assessment Using Data Interpolation from Ground Stations. MoMLeT+DS 2023: 5th International Workshop on Modern Machine Learning Technologies and Data Science, June 3, 2023, Lviv, Ukraine. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3426/paper19.pdf

●      Molodets B., Hnatushenko V., Boldyriev D., Bulana T. Information System of Air Quality Assessment Based of Ground Stations and Meteorological Data Monitoring. IntelITSIS’2023: 4th International Workshop on Intelligent Information Technologies and Systems of Information Security, March 22–24 2023, Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine. P.195-205. https://ceur-ws.org/Vol-3373/paper9.pdf



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