Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Department today


Head of Department -

Gnatushenko Vladimir,

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor

    The Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering started its operations on March 28, 1996. To date, the professors of the department include 5 professors, 6 associate professors and 4 assistants. The ITCE department has 52 modern computers and three Cisco networking equipment systems, which are equipped with five laboratories.
   Teachers of the department of ITCE conduct classes on studying: information systems, computer graphics, methods of image processing, animation; geoinformation systems; hardware of computer systems, local, global and corporate networks and the Internet; Internet of Things systems; system and application software and database development technologies (C, C ++, Python, JavaScript, PHP, SQL); methods of information protection in computer systems and other professional disciplines.
   The department also has two specialized research laboratories.

The department trains specialists in the following specialties:

   Specialty: 123 Computer Engineering  
126 Information systems and technologies

   Field of knowledge: 12 Information Technology

   Educational levels: bachelor, master, PhD

   The curricula provide for pre-certification, production, project-technological and educational practices conducted in specialized laboratories of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering, as well as at the enterprises of the city and the region



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