Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Olevskyi Victor

Position: Professor of the Department

Academic status: Professor.

Scientific degree: Doctor of Technical Sciences

E-mail: Olevskyi.V.I@nmu.one

Cabinet: 3/21а

Educational work

Professor Olevskyi teaches the disciplines "Modeling of information systems", "Protection of information in computer networks", "Computer logic".

Certification training

1. SHEI "NMU", 15.11.16 - 16.05.17, internship at the Department of Higher Mathematics, order 461-K of 07.11.2016. Certificate 1/23-348 dated 16.05.2017

2. SHEI "NMU", 15.10.2018 - 15.04.2019, internship at the Department of Higher Mathematics, order 463-K of 27.09.2018. Certificate 1/23-600 dated 15.04.2019

3. SHEI NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic", 20.09.2021 - 20.12.2021, internship at the Department of Higher Mathematics, order 518-K of 15.09.2021 Certificate of the results of the internship 06-30/11 dated 20.12.2021.

3. Euro-American Consortium for the Promotion of the Use of Mathematics in Technical and Natural Sciences (AMiTaNS, Sofia, Bulgaria) and the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM, Philadelphia, USA). 2017-2019, training course on mathematical modeling methods in medicine and biology in Albena, Bulgaria, Certificates dated 25.06.2019

4. Softserve (Lviv, Ukraine), "Tech Summer for Teachers", 22.06.2021- 16.07.2021, certificate dated 16.07.2021

5. Sololearn, course certificate Python Core, certificate used from 12.07.2021

6. Cambridge (США, Massachusetts), CS50 Certificate Programming with Python, certificate dated 2022 р.

7. IT Ukraine Association, certificate № 811, January-February 2022, Teacher’s internship program held by EPAM Systems (180 hours)


Scientific activity

Prof.  Olevskyi is an expert in the field of information technology, mathematical and computer modeling. He has more than 115 published works, including 7 monographs, 4 copyright certificates for invention, 5 certificates of copyright registration for a work, and more than 10 educational and methodical works used in the educational process.
    He is a reviewer in the journal "Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics" (Elsevier, the Netherlands), which is part of the scientific databases Scopus and Web of Science Q1, Q2 quartiles, as well as a reviewer of the electronic database zbMATH (Springer). He was an opponent of two PhD theses.
     The most significant recent scientific works can be viewed at the links:

ORCID ID 0000-0003-3824-1013
    Scopus Author ID  56419822400
    Web of Science Researcher ID T-6839-2017
    Researchgate ID Olevskyi Viktor
    Google Scholar Olevskyi Viktor

Other activity

Participant in Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE).

Cambridge English Certificate FCE B2 186UA0070020.


Prof. Olevskyi was born in 1966 in Dnipropetrovsk. In 1998 he graduated from Dnipropetrovsk State University with honors with a degree in Dynamics and Strength of Machines. He has been working at NTU "DP" since 2022. In 2015 he received the degree of Doctor of Technical Sciences in the specialty 01.05.02 Mathematical modeling and computational methods (corresponds to the special Computer Science and Information Technologies by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine No 419 of 12.04.2016) on the topic "Mathematical modeling of the mechanical state of shells with deviations and their use in technological processes". In 2020 he received the academic title of professor. The experience of scientific and pedagogical work at the time of 2024 is 13 years. Since 2018 he has been a member of the Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (SIAM, USA). Prof. Olevskyi has certificates of honor and gratitude for the fruitful work in the training of highly qualified specialists.



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