Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
 Kozhevnykov Anton
Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering               

Scientific rank: Associate Professor 

Scientific degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences 

E-mail: kozhevnykov.a.v@nmu.one 

Cabinet: 4/21             

Educational work

Associate Professor Anton Vyacheslavovich Kozhevnykov recently been teaches the disciplines "Information and Encoding Theory", "Numerical Methods in Informatics", "Calculation Methods and Computational Geometry", "Data Mining", "Computer Office Technologies" and "Computer Graphics".

Co-author of training manuals with the stamp of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine "Fundamentals of the collection, processing and transmission of information. Theoretical foundations", "Information and Encoding Theory", a training manual with the stamp of the Academic Council of the State University "NMU" "Multimedia" and ten guidelines for laboratory work in educational disciplines of the Department of ITCE.

Certification training

2020: State University "Ukrainian State Chemical Technological University" from 10.03.2020 to 17.04.2020 according to the order from 02.03.2020 № 101-K. Mastering the approaches to the development of educational software using modern information technologies, programming using the Microsoft CryptoAPI and Microsoft CNG interfaces. Updates to methodological support in the discipline "Information and Encoding Theory" for the specialty 123 "Computer Engineering" on 12 branch of knowledge "Information Technology". Document confirming the internship: certificate of registration № 33-38-08, issued by the State University "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology".


Scientific activities

Main directions of scientific work:

means of frequency protection of power supply for electric transport;

numerical methods of the inverse Laplace transform;

analysis of time series;

mathematical modeling in spatial analysis.

ORCID 0000-0002-0078-2546



Author and co-author of about 25 scientific articles and abstracts, eight certificates of authorship and one patent for inventions.


Other activity

Since 2010 the secretary of the Faculty of Information Technology Admission Office, and since 2013, the executive secretary of the NTU "Dnipro Polytechnic" Admission Office.



Kozhevnykov Anton Vyacheslavovich was born on November 1, 1963 in Dnepropetrovsk, in 1986 he graduated with honors from the Moscow Engineering Physics Institute with a degree in 0632 "Vacuum Technique of Electrophysical Installations", and in 1992 a graduate school with a degree in 04.04.20 "Physics of charged particle beams and accelerating technique." In 1993 he defended the dissertation of a candidate of technical sciences.

Since 1996, he has been working at NTU "Dneprovsky Polytechnic" as an associate professor. In 1999 he received the scientific degree of associate professor of the Department of Electronics and Computing Technique. Scientific and pedagogical work experience is 26 years.



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