Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Rare editions in Latin and old German became available in an electronic library of NMU

February 12, in IA "Most-Dnipro" took place the press conference "Rare editions in Latin and old German became available in an electronic library of NMU ", which was attended by Director of the Library of NMU Olga Nefedova, head of the Library department Tatiana Nedaivoda and Senior Librarian of NMU Larissa Lozdan.

The library of the National Mining University has more than 1 million books, because the it existed at yhe same time with the formation in 1899 The Highest Mining School, converted in 1912-th in Ekaterynoslav Mining Institute. Originally library subordinated not university administration but the Ministry of Education and was Interuniversity. That was until 1938. The basis of a library book collections was formed by the first rector of university , professor Lebedev.

In the early years of foundation the Library lived by donations. Among the rare books are: Georg Agricola "On mining and metallurgy" (1563), Isaac Newton's "Philosophy of Nature" (1769), Galileo's "Dialogue" (1813), "History of Electricity" (1771 .) and others. In the library are book collections in Latin, German, French, English, Polish, published in the famous printing houses in Europe . The primary way of replenishment is new revenue from publishers, books sold organizations, book collector.

Funded by the University Library annually receives up to 20 thousand copies of books, more than 300 domestic and foreign journals and 40 titles of newspapers. Annually Mining University Library serves about 50 thousand readers who use the services of six reading rooms and 3 subscription rooms. Every day, the Library has more than 2 thousand readers.

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Also an article on the 11 channel site

By IA "Most Dnepr"

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