Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


International scientific and practical student conference “Eurolanguages-2015: Innovations and Development”

Last Friday, November 27, saw the 13th International scientific and practical student conference “Eurolanguages-2015: Innovations and Development” which was held by the Translation Department of the National Mining University. More than 200 attendees came from St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg, Kyiv, Cherkassy, Melitopol, Khmelnitzkyi, Krivyi Rih, Lugansk, Dniprodzerzhinsk and other cities of Ukriane. Almost all higher educational institutions of Dnipropetrovsk delegated their representatives to participate in the event. Following the time-proven tradition, the conference opened with a solemn plenary meeting during which the conference audience were greeted by professors and students of the Translation department in English, German, French and Spanish.

The welcoming hall was permeated with the atmosphere of the real festival of science and youth which gave a mighty impetus to the participants for the whole day of intense if rewarding work. According to the conventional scenario, the winners of the poetic translation contest received diplomas and prizes during the plenary meeting. It is noteworthy, that the participants demonstrated research results of exceptionally high scientific and language level. Their presentations testified to remarkable technical and communicative skills. 

The summing up session traditionally began with conferring diplomas and certificates to the students who claimed that no matter how proud they were, it was not the most pleasant part to remember the conference for. “Eurolanguages 2015” will be remembered for the engaging master classes conducted by the committed and noted scholars, heated discussions, unique combination of inspiration, fresh scholarly spirit, enthusiasm, mutual respect and the feeling of unity among the members of scientific university community: students, teachers and school leavers who were special guests at the conference. The farewells sounded longer than usual as nobody was willing to part with newly acquired friends. “When shall we meet again?” asked novices of the conference, secretely hoping to gather within the hospitable walls of NMU as soon as possible.

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