Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


The Program «Tempus» is being successfully developed in the National Mining University.

The Program «Tempus» is an educational program of the European Union that supports modernization of the higher education system and facilitates cooperation of the EU partner countries. Tempus finances university cooperation in the area of educational programs development and improvement, university management, the interaction of academics with the community, partnership of science and business, as well as structural reforms in the higher education .

The National Mining University takes part in three projects of the Tempus program. Two projects are conducted with the participation of the computer systems software department and of the information security and telecommunications department of the Information Technology Faculty. The titles of the projects are «Computer science and management: qualification frameworks in the standards of Bologna process» and «Integrated system of university management: application of European experience by partner countries». The third project «Two-level electronic commerce study programs for the development of the information society in Russia, Ukraine and Israel» is being conducted by the Institute of economics in the National Mining University.

The project «Computer science and management: qualification frameworks in the standards of Bologna process» started in 2012 and will last till 2014. Its objective is to implement the idea of qualification limits in the sphere of computer science and management in partner countries with the aim to improve the national education standards by analyzing data, collected from potential employers. The coordinator of the project is Maria Kyuri-Sklodovska University (Poland). As a part of this project the dean of the Information Technologies Faculty Mikhaylo Oleksandrovich Alekseyev and the senior teacher of the BIT department Dmytrii Timofeyev went on a business trip to Poland. The participants got acquainted with the experience of the Polish university concerning transition to qualification frameworks and the university management problems, as well as with the existing computer systems of partner universities. They also discussed the possibilities of forming work groups in Ukraine that will be responsible for the creation of qualification frameworks in certain specialties.

On the photo: Maria Kyuri-Sklodovska University

The coordinator of the project «Integrated system of university management: the application of European experience by partner countries» is the German Koblents-Landau University. This project facilitates solution of educational system problems related the of market-oriented university management in Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldova and Georgia. European experience adaptation must facilitate solution of this problem and the correspondence of Ukrainian education management to the world standards. The project will last to year 2014 and will provide adaptation of European experience and practice to the conditions of partner countries in such spheres as: governing the principles and practice of the implementation and effective usage of the integrated information management system. The representatives of the National Mining University visited Koblents-Landau University on the 17th of February with the view to developing and implementing complex information management system in the chosen universities of Ukraine, Byelorussia, Moldova and Georgia. The members of the delegation are: professor, information and computer complex manager Tetiana Babenko, associate professor of the PZKS department Vsevolod Chernishenko, leading engineer of the information and computer complex, senior professor of the BIT department Dmytro Timofeyev and the assistant lecturer of PZKS department Sergei Prihodko. Together with German colleagues the delegates they have developed the action plan of the international and national project work groups, have studied the main services that form the modern integrated university management system and agreed on the schedule of Webinars concerning coordination and work within the frames of the project. According to the results of the participation in the practical training in constructing the integrated university management system, the National Mining University has obtained Koblents-Landau university certificate.

On the photo: work in the German university

Ukrainian-Swedish cooperation has become a new stage in cooperation as a part of the Tempus program. In March 2013 the delegation of the West University represented by the first vice rector Ian Teliander and the leading lecturer Tomas Vinmann met with the rector of the National Mining University academician Genadyi Pivniyak.

On the photo: the first vice rector Ian Teliander, the leading lecturer Tomas Vinmann and the associate professor of the history and political theory department Olena Iegorova.

The practical result of the negotiations has become the development of the educational course in the foundations of democracy and society, offered for participation in the Tempus international fund competition. The distinct feature of the course is cooperation of higher educational establishments in Ukraine and in Sweden to promote knowledge about democracy, the mechanism of reciprocal influence of the state and community and the foundations of the civil society. In the process of the project implementation, a number of joint events are planned: summer schools, internet-conferences, student and teacher exchange.

Daryna Butko IAC NMU

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