Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Mr. Klaus Zillikens, Consul-General of Germany in Donetsk, has paid a visit of friendship to the National Mining University

During the intercourse with the NMU Rector Gennadiy Pivnyak, he shared his impressions from visiting commercial mining sites of Donetsk Region/ The empha sized the necessity to clean and drain mine, waters, to generate ‘safe’ methane from mines and to reactivate mine sites. He also stressed that such projects are underway in his home country and that German experts solve these problems together with Donetsk colleagues.

Gennadui Pivnyak told the Consul-General about the latest achivements of the National Mining University in international cooperation, e.g. participation in Tempus program and University of Resources Project to which a group of NMU students will receive diplomas of 3 universities from Germany, Austria and Ukraine. The Rector also suggested that Mr.Zillikens, as an active and creative person, would continue contributing much to the development of student exchange even after his official sojourn in Ukraine comes to the end.

By the way, the term of Mr.Zillikens official consulate in Donetsk will be over in September 2013. He confessed that during his 9-years stay in Ukraine he experienced many wonderful moments he said that his Ukrainian period is a very important stage in his life and he feels he would miss our country upon his return to Germany. Mr.Zillikens hurried to big good bye, gladly accepting the Rector’s invitation to attend the graduates’ prom in June this year.

Natalia Lisnevska, IAC NMU

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