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Pivnyak Gennadiy: "We shall go along the path of probation, but we shall certainly get the results"

After the public elections, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Gennadiy Pivnyak took office as the Rector of the National Mining University

On Thursday, March 10, 2016, a staff conference of the NMU was held, where Gennadiy Pivnyak was solemnly inaugurated to the position of Rector. The conference took place in the hall of the Academic Board, where many guests were brought together  - such as employees, representatives of the faculty and the student government.

Among the guests of honor who extended their congratulations on the inauguration were: the Head of Dnipropetrovsk regional council Gleb Prigunov; Irenaeus, Metropolitan of Dnipropetrovsk and Pavlograd, Director of the Department of Education and Science of Dnipropetrovsk Regional State Administration Alexei Poltoratskyi, Prior of the Transfiguration Cathedral archpriest father Yaroslav, the head of NMU Trustee Board, General Director of the research-and-development network "Pavlograd Chemical Plant" Hero of Ukraine Leonid Schiman, member of NMU Trustee Board, Head of the Regional Trade Union of Education and Science Galina Belikova, General Director of "DTEK Dobropolyeugol" Yuriy Cherednichenko, member of NMU Student Council , second-year student Valeria Sobolenko. The Head of NMU trade union Valery Salo chaired the conference.

The order of the Minister of Education and Science of Ukraine №51 about appointing Gennadiy Pivnyak  Rector on terms of contract for five years from March 2, 2016 to March 2, 2021 was read by Chief of NMU Personnel Department Alexander Labza.

It is noteworthy that the National Mining University was called Yekaterinoslav Higher Mining School since its inception and its construction site was blessed by clergy. Perhaps, because of this not only the stone foundation, but also the spiritual and scientific traditions have been preserved so firmly for over 117 years. The main achievement of the university is its progress under the governance of a host of rectors, including the current Rector Academician of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine Gennadiy Pivnyak who initially headed the university in 1985 and has continued to work with dignity in this important position. Metropolitan of Dnipropetrovsk and Pavlograd Irenaeus marked NMU`s achievements in all areas and called blessings on everyone present in the room with the wishes to bear with dignity the name of an employee and a graduate of the university renowned all over the world. Under general applause, the clergy emphasized the significance of more than 33 years of Gennadiy Pivnyak work as Rector and awarded him with the Order of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the Holy Kyiv Prince Yaroslav the Wise.

Then Gennadiy Pivnyak took the oath in the presence of his colleagues and guests of inauguration. Apparently, in those moments many of those present in the hall of the Academic Board had a feeling that Gennadiy Hryhorovych has never had a long way of previous activities as Rector, because he swore not only with great excitement, but also with even greater responsibility.

According to the agenda, there followed the solemn ceremony of the power attributes delivery to the Rector.  The head of the organizing committee of the Rector elections, Director of the Mining Institute, professor Vladimir Buzilo fulfilled the pleasant mission. He put the Rector`s mantle on the shoulders of  Gennadiy Pivnyak and presented him  with the scepter and the collar (ceremonial chain).

Next, the rector of NMU  Gennadiy Pivnyak took the floor and thanked all the present audience for their participation in the conference. In addition, Gennadiy Hryhorovych said that despite the successes, achievements and risks, the university will go along the path of probation, but we shall certainly get the results. "I am sure that we will use our potential - the team of leading experts of the university - we will be able to solve together large-scale issues facing us, and lead our university to even higher international position".

The ceremony of inauguration of the Rector was logically finished by spiritual chant "God Bless!" performed by the folk men's vocal group "Oberton" of NMU led by Alexander Pereverzev.


Valentina Shabetia

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