Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Erasmus + MOSAIC project is starting at National Mining University

National Mining University is starting the "Multiculturalism - the Outcome of Social Acceptance, Integration and Culture" (MOSAIC) project. The project is developed in the frames of Erasmus + programme, KA1 - Mobility project for young people. It foresees stimulation of discussion about multiculturalism between participants from Programme and Partner countries in the frames of the critical refugees crisis in Europe. Architecture will be used as a methodological tool and as example for the recognition of multiculturalism as a positive element of community development.

MOSAIC will be organised in one of the most multicultural cities in Europe – Palermo, in October 2016. 18 young participants from three partner organisations leaded by experienced group leaders and trainers, which represent formal and non-formal educational organisations (two universities and one NGO) from Italy, Lithuania and Ukraine will experience the nature of life in intercultural atmosphere in 5 days.

The objectives of the project correlate with the objectives of Erasmus+ programme as they are:

- to discover and support elements of multiculturalism in EU cities using architecture as a tool of social skills development of youth (openness for other cultures, democratic participation, solidarity, friendship);

- to provide an active environment for learning and discussion for youth, using creative thinking methodology for topics as: multiculturalism, social cohesion, democracy and active participation in development of EU policies, refugees crisis, integration and cooperation of other cultures in EU society respecting each other’s needs and rights;

- to enhance dimension of Erasmus+ programme in project partner countries creating a network of active and engaged young people (youth organisations).

Intercultural working environment will stimulate development of skills regarding multicultural communication and the recognition of positive aspect of multiculturalism. The innovative and non-conventional approach to the topic of the Project (integration and multiculturalism using architecture as example and tool of non-formal learning) will improve participants’ skill to face problems from different perspective. Gained knowledge and developed skills will influence appearances of positive change in youth behaviour, preparing them as an multiculturalism ambassadors for an active interaction with local communities.

The project stimulates development of specific skills and competences for youth and guarantee the strong impact at local/regional/European and International levels due to the nature of the Consortium and implemented training activities.

For more information about the project, please contact: Project coordinator at National Mining University Kseniia Tiukhmenova: tyukhmeneva@gmail.com

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