Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Kick-off Meeting "Getting Ready for 4Ps"

03/31/19 - 04/06/19 Launch of "4P for Youth: Public, Popular, Progressive and Productive" project under Erasmus + - Youth Capacity Building - Eastern Partnership 

In March 2019 International project "4P for youth: public, popular, progressive and productive", where NTU "Dnipro University of Technology" is one of the partners, started its implementation. The project coordinator from NTU "Dnipro University of Technology", manager of international academic mobility office Priazhnikova Kateryna took part in Kick-off meeting of the project, which took place in Naples, Italy from March 31 to April 6, 2019. 
The 4P Project for Youth: Public, Popular, Progressive and Productive was organized by Armenian and European partner organizations to promote the capacity of youth workers and young educators and to use public relations, communication and media in their daily work; form constructive relationships with their partners and target audience; make organizations and day-to-day work public, popular, progressive and productive. 

During the working week, representatives of partner organizations shared project responsibilities, planned local information campaigns, and presented experience of their institutions in implementing European Union initiatives and Erasmus + program projects.

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