Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Youth conference in framework of the international project «Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability /VYWRE/»

Beginning of the project «Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability /VYWRE/» in the framework of the project under “Erasmus +” - Youth Capacity Building - Eastern Partnership 

The project coordinator from NTU "Dnipro University of Technology", manager of international academic mobility office Priazhnikova Kateryna, academic mobility coordinator of The Department of International Projects Diachenko Elena.  
The conference was held in order to create a platform for youth workers and volunteers to discuss the issue of recognition of youth volunteering in the partner countries of the project. 

The international project «Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability» was started at the beginning of March, where NTU "Dnipro University of Technology" is one of the partners. Representatives of higher institutions and non govermental organizations from the European Union (Spain, Greece, the Netherlands, Sweden) as well as Georgia and Armenia also take part in this project. 
The main purpose of the project: to achieve recognition of volunteering experience in society and among employers, approval of its results at the local and national levels, development of volunteer’s competencies and their adaptation to the requirements of the labor market, confirmation of their experience with skills and knowledge gained in the framework of informal education.  
As a result of the project, it is expected to increase the participation of young people in civil society, starting with decision-making processes. Recognition of the results of volunteer activities will motivate young people to participate strongly in public initiatives, gain knowledge, skills and experience, which will further strengthen their competitiveness in the labor market.

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