Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


«4Ps4YOUth: Public, Popular, Progressive and Productive»

From July 15 to July 22, 2019 students of NTU "Dnipro University of Technology" Pinchuk Sofia (group 035-18-1, specialty 35 "Philology", ETF) and Maria Titarenko (group 122-17-1, specialty 122 "Computer sciences" FIT) attended Erasmus+ training "4Ps4YOUth: Public, Popular, Progressive and Productive" in Potsdam, Germany.  
The project was coordinated by Armenian PR Association Scientific-Informational NGO and German Mostar Friedensprojekt EV partners. Among the participants, there were representatives from many countries, such as Armenia, Germany, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Portugal, Georgia. 

The aim of the project was to promote the capacity of youth representatives and to use public relations, communication and media in their daily youth work; to form constructive relationships with their partners and target audience; to make their organizations and daily work public, popular, progressive and productive, and to help participants to gain skills for empowering young people to be active citizens. During the one-week informal training, participants learned a lot about verbal and non-verbal communication, communication tools, PR and campaigning, held a discussion "Democracy for Me" and created models for their own PR campaigns. They also visited the Museum for Communication (Museum für Kommunikation) in Berlin. 
Moreover, Pinchuk S.A. and Titarenko M.O. successfully presented the international achievements of NTU "Dnipro University of Technology" and, in particular, the student self-governance among other partner organizations. The relationships between NTU "Dnipro University of Technology" and Armenian PR Association Scientific-Informational NGO have been strengthened and further cooperation has been considered for the purpose of future international projects implementation. 
The project "4Ps4YOUth: Public, Popular, Progressive and Productive" in Germany has left a variety of vivid emotions, made it possible to gain an unforgettable experience of living abroad and encouraged the cultural exchange and friendly relations establishment among representatives of different countries.

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