Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time


Study visit in framework of international project “Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability (VYWRE)”

Delegation of the Dnipro University of Technology within the framework of the project Voluntary Youth Work Recognition for Employability (VYWRE) took part in a Study Visit held in Stockholm (Sweden) from 17 till 23 June 2019. 

The delegation included: 
- Priazhnikova Kateryna, project coordinator, manager of the international academic mobility department: 
- Cherednyk Vladyslava, deputy director of the foreign citizens training center. 
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Along with partners from other countries (Armenia, Georgia, Spain, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Cyprus, and Greece) University’s team participated in official visits and meetings with Swedish youth organizations, youth centers, and associations took place, namely: 

- National Youth Councils of Sweden Landsrådet för Sveriges Ungdomsorganisationer (LSU); 
- Workers educational association ABF Södertälje-Nykvarn; 
- Youth Centre FRYSHUSET; - Keks Nätverket, a network of Swedish municipal departments for youth work; 
- Armenian Embassy in Sweden. 
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In addition, the project participants were able to explore Sweden's national and municipal youth policies as implemented by Sweden's most active youth structures. Existing mechanisms and tools for recognizing the results and experiences of youth work and volunteering were discussed during Study Visit. 

As a visit consequence was developed 3 different concepts of tools for recognizing the results and experience of youth work and volunteering. These tools were adopted as a basis for working on further project meetings and Training Course.

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