Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time



On March 4-7, 2019, the Dnipro University of Technology, which is the coordinator of the international FUTURE project "Shaping the diverse common FUTURE - Wide dialogue to create and methodologically support a network for involving migrant youth into a civic society - of the EU ERASMUS + program, hosted a meeting of representatives of consortium organizations from Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania, Italy and Georgia.
The project belongs to the K2 category - Capacity Building in the Field of Youth and aims to bring together experienced higher education professionals (teachers and managers of higher education institutions) and representatives of youth NGOs to strengthen everyone's potential by sharing best practices in involving and adapting young migrants into and for the civil society through formal education and civic engagement beyond the learning hours.

For 4 days 10 young participants from the project partner countries, each holding managerial positions in their organization, discussed the most pressing problems faced by young migrants in a new civilian environment.

As a result, each of the representatives of the kick-off meeting explained in detail the objectives of the project and discussed their adaptation in each project country, taking into account specific regional conditions. But most importantly, a team of like-minded people who, over the next two years of the project will be able to move in one direction and share the project values in the local and international environment has been successfully built.

The kick-off meeting also made it possible to make the first dissemination of information about the project and its current topic among the indifferent students of the Dnipro University of Technology. In an informal friendly atmosphere, students of the program "International Relations, Public Communication and Regional Studies", including young immigrants from the areas of anti-terrorist operation in eastern Ukraine, shared with their international guests their thoughts on the problem of migrant youth adaptation at universities and beyond them in Poland, Italy, Georgia, Lithuania and learned about ways to solve it in these countries.

The excursion to the unique ATO museum in Ukraine did not leave the participants indifferent. The film about the horrors of the war in eastern Ukraine impressed the participants and allowed them to convey objective and truthful information that they would pass on to their colleagues and friends.

Congratulations on the successful start of the project and move on to the next activities.

International academic mobility and international projects offices
NTU “Dnipro Polytechnic”

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