Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Garkusha Igor
Associate Professor

Position: Associate Professor.

Other positions: deputy of manager by a department for academic affairs.

Scientific rank: Associate Professor.

Scientific degree: Candidate of Technical Sciences.

E-mail: garkusha.i.m@nmu.one

Cabinet: 1/79

Educational work

Associate Professor Garkusha teaches discipline: "Operating Systems", "Computer Network", "Application Programming (component-oriented programming)", "Processing and interpretation of aerospace images", "Remote sensing", "Design and operation of GIS," "Planning and management of GIS projects", "Professional functions and tasks of the expert".

Certification training

  1. 2015: State University "Ukrainian State Chemical Technological University" from 01.06.2015 to 30.06.2015 in accordance with the order of 20.05.2015 № 236-K. Mastering modern pedagogical technologies, updating methodological support in the disciplines of "Computer Networks", as well as methods in the field of object-oriented programming using Java technologies. Document confirming the internship: certificate issued by the State University "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology", minutes of the meeting of the Department of Geographic Information Systems №10 from 01.07.2015;
  2. 2016: traning courses August 18-19, 2016 at TVIS COMPANY, LLC authorized partner of HEXAGON Geospatial in Ukraine – a certificate of successful completion of a specialized course on remote sensing data processing, professional multispectral data processing in the ERDAS IMAGINE 2015 software;
  3. 2020: State University "Ukrainian State Chemical Technological University" from 10.03.2020 to 17.04.2020 according to the order from 02.03.2020 № 101-K. Study of modern approaches to the preparation of educational and methodical (software) with the use of information technology, processing of materials for updating the methodological support of educational disciplines in 12 areas of knowledge "Information Technology". Mastering modern pedagogical technologies and updating methodological support in the discipline "Fundamentals of Program Testing", as well as methods in the field of object-oriented programming using Python technologies. Document confirming the internship: certificate of registration № 33-38-08, issued by the State University "Ukrainian State University of Chemical Technology".

Scientific activity

Main directions of scientific activity scientific and practical research into the automation of various tasks of modeling of mineral deposits, development of GIS and the use of remote sensing of Earth from space to monitor man-made human activity in the environment. Under the leadership of Associate Professor Department of Garkusha masters are conducting research on the following areas:

  • design of complex specialized GIS;
  • image processing, in particular the aerospace;
  • methods of automating interpretation of various objects by satellite data;
  • integration of GIS and satellite data;
  • data reduction and analysis of space imagery;
  • three-dimensional modeling in GIS;
  • data reduction and analysis tools operating systems and networks.

During his work at NMU has 41 publication, 33 of them scientific, including 14 scientific publications, a certificate of registration of copyright in a work, and 8 methodological papers used in the learning process.

ORCID ID 0000-0003-1190-1501
         Scopus Author ID  56368867700
         Web of Science Researcher ID A-3206-2019
         Researchgate ID Igor Garkusha
         Google Scholar Igor Garkusha

Other activity

The introduction of innovative technologies in the department. Analysis of Open Source products in teaching and research activities.


He was born in 1974. In 1993 he graduated with honors from the College of Dnepropetrovsk radiopriborostroitelny specialty "Construction of radio hardware". In 1998 he graduated with honors from the Dnepropetrovsk State University, majoring in "Computer and Intelligent Systems and Networks". Works in NMU from 1998. PhD (2007), Associate Professor (2011). Experience of scientific and educational work for 18 years.



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