Dnipro University of Technology — Compliance with the Time
Panferova Yana

Panferova Yana.jpg
Position: Assistant of the Department of Information Technology and Computer Engineering 
Cabinet: 1/97

Educational work

Assistant Panferova Ya.V. teaches disciplines: “Computer Networks”, “ Administration and scaling of corporate networks.

Scientific activity

The main directions of scientific work:
- design and operation of IT infrastructure;
- automation and programming of the behavior of network infrastructure and network applications;
ORCID ID 0000-0001-6318-1417

Certification training

A series of educational webinars from Microsoft and SMART business (2020):

–      "Setting up and supporting the educational process in Teams for Education", 05/12/2020, certificate CMP-01370-X4B1T (1 hour);

–      "Online education in practice. Experience of KMDSh", 15.05.2020, certificate CMP-01373-Z2R5W (1 hour);

–      "Remote assessment of knowledge in educational institutions", 05/19/2020, certificate CMP-01374-S6J7W (1 hour).

Trainings "Pedagogical mastery of the higher school", T-Update training center, Dnipro, November 30, 2020. Certificate No. AD026/2020 (30 hours).

Training "Interactive methods in teaching" of the T-Update training center, Dnipro, February 07-08, 2020. Certificate No. 57/2020 (8 hours).

Educational and Scientific Institute of Continuing Education of Lesya Ukrainka East European National University, 1st International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference: "Ways of Improving the Professional Competencies of Specialists in Today's Conditions", May 28-29, 2020, topic "Digitalization of the educational process. Distance education". Certificate No. MIK 3-365 (6 hours).

Interdisciplinary educational and scientific institute of continuous intramural and distance education (MIBO) of NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnic", advanced training from 02.08.2021. to June 4, 2021, topic: "Modern hardware for implementing computer systems using network technologies." advanced training certificate No. PK02070743/000283-21 dated June 4, 2021 (180 hours / 6 ECTS credits).

Cisco course "CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking" (2021, 70 hours).

Training "Google Digital Tools for Education", basic level, September 5-18, 2022. Certificate No. GDTfE-02-03510 (30 hours / 1 ECTS credits).

Training "Google Digital Tools for Education", intermediate level, September 19-25, 2022. Certificate No. GDTfE-02-С-02028 (15 hours / 0.5 ECTS credits).

Other activity

Deputy head of the Cisco Instructor Training Center (Cisco ITC), the Cisco Academy Support Center (Cisco ASC) and the Cisco Academy (Cisco Networking Academy) of Dnipro University of Technology.

Certified trainer-instructor for IT Essentials, CyberSecurity Essentials, CCNA Routing & Switching, CCNA Security, CCNA CyberOperations courses (2005 - present). download

Within the scope of the SVCF (Silicon Valley Community Foundation) grant and Cisco Network Academies partners, in the 2019-2020 academic year, more than 50 new instructors from leading universities of Ukraine were trained in CCNA Routing and Switchin, CCNA Cybersecurity Operations, and CCNA Security courses in different parts of Ukraine.

Has awards from Cisco Academy: Instructor Excellence Expert (2015), Community Spotlight Award (2020), 15 Years of Service (2021), Certificate of Participation (2021). download

In order to improve her professional skills, she completed the course "CCNP Enterprise: Core Networking" (2021). Cisco Academy courses are integrated into the study program of students majoring in Computer Engineering. download

He has current industrial international certificates with CCNA and CCNA Security.

Took part in the All-Ukrainian bootcamp of instructors of Cisco academies with the report "CCNA v7: preparing for the release of the new version of CCNA" (NTU "Dniprovska Polytechnic", Dnipro, December 2019). Report "Management of a cloud network built on the basis of Cisco Meraki equipment" (TNTU named after I. Pulyu, Ternopil, October 29, 2021).

Participated in the work of the direction "Digitization of the educational process. Distance education" at the 1st International Scientific and Practical Internet Conference: "Ways of Improving the Professional Competencies of Specialists in Today's Conditions", May 28-29, 2020.

Speaker of the Ukrainian segment of the Cisco Network Academy's professional development week (December 2021 - "Effective use of the updated netacad.com platform in distance learning: tips for instructors").

With the support of Cisco, since 2017, it has been one of the organizers of the participation of junior college students and city school students in all-Ukrainian events for Safe Internet Day (February), Cyber Security Week (November), which are held under the auspices of MONU and the Cisco Network Academy. He is an expert of the All-Ukrainian competition of professional skills "WorldSkills Ukraine" in 2021-2022 and is a member of the group for the development and implementation of the 1st interregional stage in the competence "Network and system administration".

He is a member of the professional community of instructors of Cisco academies in Ukraine, a member of the organizing committee of the All-Ukrainian Safer Internet Day Challenge 2019-2021, which was held under the auspices of the Ministry of Education and Culture of Ukraine and the Cisco Network Academy.


She was born on January 18, 1981 in Marganets, Dnipropetrovsk region. In 2003, she graduated with honors from the National Mining University, majoring in "Control and Automation Systems". He has been working at Dnipro University of Technology since 2003.




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